Andrés Trapielo: an autofictional author?
Autofiction, Andrés Trapiello, XXth Century, Memory, Narrative, Spanish Contemporary NovelAbstract
The theory of the “autofiction” created by Doubrovsky en the seventies experienced a huge increase during the last two decades of the 20th Century. This technique, a hybrid between literature and cultural studies, allows the postmodern author to show his egotism without resorting to the discredited autobiography (Alberca, 2009:18). The Spanish author Andrés Trapiello has developed this autofiction in his own way, calling it “indecidibilidad” (Trapiello, 2013). Among Trapiello’s narrative production, El buque fantasma (1992) and Ayer no más (2012) are two of his novels where we find autofiction more clearly. This “indecidibilidad” consists in the affirmation that it is impossible to say if the story we find in the novel is true or not, about the veracity versus truthful facts.
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