Analysis of Interest, of Lifelong Learning, in Healthy Food and Nutrition at the University of Seniors of Extremadura
Keyw Lifelong learning, seniors, food and nutrition.Abstract
In today's constantly evolving society, training and lifelong learning is one of the necessary strategies of learning opportunities for personal and social fulfillment and economic prosperity. This new educational paradigm, mainly promoted by UNESCO, is also a consequence of greater longevity, quality of life and well-being. Hence the need for continuous and lifelong training and updating of basic scientific, technological, financial and health knowledge. And thus achieve personal development and consequently the sustainable economic, social, cultural and environmental development of society. One of these learning that is demanded, of lifelong learning, given its constant scientific evolution is the knowledge in food and nutrition and health.
Objectives: To analyze in a sample of students in a Spanish University for Older Adults the level of interest for their scientific training of basic contents of: healthy eating habits and nutrition.
Methodology: The participants were 24 students belonging to the Universidad de Extremadura (Badajoz. Spain). Course 2023-24. And by means of a written questionnaire, individualized and anonymous. They were consulted in their classroom, about their characteristics: Basic (age: 69.7±4.9 years, sex: 62.5% female and 37.5% male), Anthropometric (100% with Normal Weight), and of Interest on Contents on Healthy Eating and Nutrition. The analysis of the data was analyzed in a mixed (Quan-qual) way by means of the following software: qualitative WEBqda© and quantitative statistics Jamovi©.
Results: As the most important results, it can be highlighted that this sample as a whole expressed high Levels of Interest in said training in Healthy Food and Nutrition. Mainly their interest lay in Content, for example in the qualitative Categories of: “Healthy Dietary Recommendations”, “Vegan Diet and Health? And “Interpret the nutritional characteristics on food labeling.”
Finally, it should be noted that the average value of the students' anthropometric condition was Normal Eeight =24.7±5.2 m2 of height /kg of weight, which can demonstrate their significant motivation to continue training in such scientific knowledge of: healthy eating habits and nutrition.
Conclusion: There is a high interest in lifelong learning, in knowledge of: healthy eating habits and nutrition, and where the anthropometric condition of Normal Weight or Healthy Weight can favor and boost, even more, the motivation on learning their scientific training.
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