Enhancing mathematics education: effective approaches for teaching linear equations to students with and without learning difficulties





Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLDs), Linear Equations, Educational Strategies, Math Anxiety, Cognitive Differences


This study examined the teaching complexities of linear equations to students with Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLDs), such as dyslexia and dyscalculia, compared to students without SpLDs but with difficulties in mathematics. It intended to identify significant differences in mathematicians' teaching experiences, the impact of these challenges on students’ lives, and the effectiveness of specialized teaching strategies. Conducted with 380 mathematics teachers in secondary schools across Attica and Thessaloniki, Greece, this quantitative study employed Two-Tailed Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test and Spearman's rho correlation. Findings highlighted the heightened difficulties faced by students with SpLDs in learning linear equations, necessitating more varied and intensive interventions. A positive correlation was noted between the interventions and factors contributing to SpLDs, implying the need for personalized teaching approaches. The study highlights early identification of student difficulties, individualized support, and the need for a more inclusive and supportive learning environment, suggesting policy revisions for inclusive education and further research on effective, innovative educational tools.


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