


Educational Inclusion, School Directors, Inclusive Policies, Attitudes towards Inclusion


The study analyzes the pivotal role of school directors in the transition towards inclusive education within Greek secondary schools. A shift propelled by EU directives regarding students' integration who experience special educational needs (SEN). It outlines the intersection of the Greek educational policy with practice and address challenges and strategies for supporting an inclusive educational body, contributing to the discussion on educational leadership and policy implementation. Dealing with the gap between inclusive education policies and their implementation, this study will focus on how knowledge and views of school directors affect policy implementation. The study assesses the readiness of school leaders towards the integration of SEN students in mainstream classrooms and postulates the informed and proactive leadership which is cardinal to success. The sample was comprised of 420 school directors within the region of Attica and the region of Central Macedonia in Greece. A descriptive and correlational analysis was performed that aimed to examine the relationship between directors' knowledge of the inclusive education policies and their attitudes towards implementation of inclusion. The research has shown that there is a significant knowledge gap on the part of the directors regarding inclusive education, impacting on their attitudes with regard to its implementation and efficacy. It is observed that directors with better knowledge on the inclusivity policies display more positive attitudes with regard to its implementations, and knowledgeable leadership in this regard is valuable. The study highlights the necessity for further training and development of competencies of school directors for the promotion of inclusive education in Greece. Policy reforms, targeted professional development and further research are required to prepare school leaders for the transition of education in diverse and multicultural settings.


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Author Biography

Eloísa Reche-Urbano, Universidad de Córdoba

Profesora Titular de Escuela Universitaria del área de Didáctica y Organización escolar. Imparte las asignaturas relacionadas con el ámbito de la Tecnología educativa y la Educación mediática en los Grados en Educación Infantil y Educación Primaria.


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