The new school model, and its influence on aspects of inclusion in elementary school students of an educational institution in the municipality of Acandí - Chocó




Educational inclusion, students with disabilities, diversity, teaching-learning process, New School Model, professional teacher training, strategies for change


The educational inclusion of students with disabilities is a topic of great social and academic relevance, which implies the recognition and valuation of diversity as an enriching element of the teaching-learning process. This article analyzes the new school model and its influence on aspects of inclusion in elementary school students of an educational institution in the municipality of Acandí - Chocó. For which a qualitative methodology with phenomenological approach is implemented, which allows to deepen and understand the part of the institutional reality that takes into account students with disabilities and the educational community. Highlighting aspects derived from the professional teacher training, vocational aspects and the difficulty in accessing didactic resources that facilitate the processes of educational inclusion in the analyzed educational institution. And establishes the articulation of strategies for change that allow the participation of various local and national institutions, the educational community, including teachers, students, parents, and community leaders. In the identification of the E.I.'s needs, strengths and opportunities in aspects of educational inclusion.


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