Perceptions of mexican adolescents and youth regarding the credibility, trust, risks, and control of social media




credibilidad, confiabilidad, redes sociales, riesgo, control.


The objective of this study is to understand the opinions of Mexican adolescents and young people regarding the use, credibility, and trustworthiness of social media content, as well as the risks and control associated with its use. The study employs a quantitative approach with a non-experimental design using a 45-item scale. A total of 856 individuals participated, with 58% being female and 40% male. The results revealed that as age increases, the perception of information validity also increases. Additionally, differences were found in the dimensions of reliability, risk, and control based on the participants' gender, with women consistently expressing higher scores in all cases. It was also observed that secondary school students have a lower perception of validity, while graduate students demonstrate higher levels of self-regulation in terms of the control dimension.


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