The role of information and communication technologies in foreign language learning under the pandemic. Professors' perspective




flipped classroom, information technology, online learning, pandemics.


This article researches the communicational barriers and teacher-student interactional processes evidenced in the use of information and communication technologies for teaching modern languages, by professors at a university in Bogota - Colombia, when migrating from face-to-face classes to telepresence in the context of the COVID 19 pandemic, also identifies the benefits, effects, challenges and opportunities brought by this implementation. The purpose of this study is to propose recommendations for the improvement of educational practices in the telepresence modality. Data collection was carried out through a cross-sectional, descriptive and explanatory study, complemented with the implementation of a qualitative approach technique. It is concluded that the use of web pages, mobile devices and ICTs were well accepted as tools used by teachers despite the difficulties encountered in student interaction and learning, facilitating virtual education as positive value complements, and favoring teaching.


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