Podcast Fridays: classroom Media Literacy case study





media, radio, media literacy, podcast, communication, digital competence


The radio inside the studies of the future communicators and informants of the mass media is something habitual; however, it is not so important to use it for purposes of media literacy among students, while developing their technical skills and self-expression needs. At this meeting point between these three pillars: media literacy, technical knowledge and self-expression of the students, the "Viernes de podcast" project is framed, where we as teachers are allowed to bring the radio communication medium closer to our students and turn it into a moment of reflection regarding the influence of the media, the social issues that affect their education, or the dangers and advantages of social networks. With a quantitative study through questionnaires worked by the students (n=150) and the teachers (n=20) participating in the project, it is concluded that, with the implementation of these workshops, not only has a greater understanding of by the students of media and educommunication concepts, but at the same time their level of socialization, ability to speak in front of a microphone and group pressure, empathy and teamwork have increased.


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