Sexuality and Disability
sexuality, disability, Simone de Beauvoir, Psychoanalysis, SubjectAbstract
This paper is placed in the framework of the French national debate on the use of sexual assistance for physically, mentally or psychically challenged people. Without reducing sexuality to a mere “mechanical phenomenon”, I argue in favour of the right of disabled people to a sexual life. Starting from Simone de Beauvoir’s definition of sexuality as the lived experience of the body that each subject has, I proceed to summarise the psychoanalytic model of sexuality in order to highlight both the complexity and the necessity of helping these singular subjects to develop a life in touch with his or her own intimacy. I advocate that the rehabilitation of the psychosexuality of disabled people implies a mark of recognition of the subject in the disabled body and psyche, as well as foregrounding its “possible vitality” even in the face of mortality and its capacity to transcend any limitation.
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