The philosophical writing as a practice of the self in Foucault


  • Kim Sang ONG VAN CUNG Université Bordeaux Montaigne UFR Humanités Département de Philosophie 33607 Pessac cedex FRANCE



Archeology, genealogy, subject, writing, ethics, practices of the self, historical disquiet, politics


In this paper, I comment on the relation of subjectivity and writing in the work of Foucault, from the sixties to the eighties. The relation that Foucault entertains with his own practice of writing is a topic that he barely discussed. He only gave a few words about this issue in the interview with Claude Bonnefoy, Le beau danger (Beautiful danger), but that is all. I nonetheless chose to take on this perspective on the work of Foucault in order to describe the method of his philosophical writings, from archeology to genealogy, and I emphasize his treatment of the subject (in / of the writing). I aim to show that his method of writing – archeology and genealogy – is also related thoroughly to the ethical and political aspects of his work, and that writing for the philosopher is a practice of the self.


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How to Cite

ONG VAN CUNG, K. S. (2020). The philosophical writing as a practice of the self in Foucault. Theory Now. Journal of Literature, Critique, and Thought, 3(1), 69–86.



Monográfico:"Self-writing: an Ethopoietic Practice"