Vol. 11 No. 1 (2018)

Cover Illustration Source: Estampas para la Paz


Published: 2018-11-10

Table of contents

Námakasia or firmness. Peacemaking from the Yaqui tribe experience

  • Enrique Francisco Pasillas Pineda
Published: Oct 8, 2018
Pages 79-103

Legitimacy of Special Jurisdiction for Peace

  • Paula Andrea Valencia Valencia
  • Pedro Francés-Gómez
Published: Nov 10, 2018
Pages 105-133

Application of the model of mediation transformative in the extrajudicial conciliation of Colombia

  • Juan Pablo Isaza Gutierrez
  • Karina Murgas Serje
  • María Elisa Oñate Olivella
Published: Nov 10, 2018
Pages 135-158

Training and development of Digital and Intercultural competence of early childhood educators to promote school coexistence

  • Vanessa Navarro Angarita
  • Carmen Tulia Ricardo Barreto
  • Cinthia Milena Astorga Acevedo
  • John José Cano Barrios
  • Elsa Escalante
Published: Nov 10, 2018
Pages 181-208