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  • Sonia París Albert Universidad Jaume I de Castellón
Vol. 11 No. 1 (2018), Articles, pages 159-179
Submitted: Oct 16, 2017 Accepted: Sep 15, 2018 Published: Jun 19, 2018


Through a brief description of some characteristics of the creativity, this text proposes a reconstruction of that, which is named as creative peace(s) for the global citizenship. So, with a comprehension of the creativity from a relational and intersubjective point of view, a methodology that wants to relate the creativity to the peace is emphasized in this article. For that, this study concludes that the flow of the creative action requires large doses of intrinsic motivation as well as the recuperation of our competences to make peace(s), which are identified as the element of the creative peace(s). In this way and highlighting the paper of the formal education, these pages find that the creative peace(s) are those which prioritize the practice of the creativity in both the construction of peace and the peaceful conflict transformation, after having defined them as plural, performative and communicative.


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