The Noguera Learning Field, educate from Archeology and Prehistory in formal education


  • Antoni Bardavio Novi Camp d'Aprenentatgfe de la Noguera. Departament d'Educació. Generalitat de Catalunya
  • Sònia Mañé Orozco Departamento de Educación de la Generalitat de Catalunya en el Campo de Aprendizaje de la Noguera. Sant Llorenç de Montgai (Lleida)



Didactics of history; learning by discovery; education for citizenship


Introduction: The Noguera Learning Camp is an educational service of the Department of Education of the Generalitat of Catalonia. It began its educational activities in the 2006-2007 academic year. Since then, it has been developing educational activities, aimed at students between 3 and 18 years old and organized at different levels of approach, in relation to Archeology and Prehistory under the heading “Touching history”.

Method: The main purpose of the development of the didactic activities is to provoke in the students the feeling of immersion in the prehistoric past and in the archaeological method as a tool to understand this past. Depending on the type of activities, the teaching methodologies developed and/or the resources used may be different.

Results: Nineteen years after its creation, the Noguera Learning Field has become a benchmark in the field of formal education linked to the teaching of Archaeology, Prehistory, and Heritage. Its educational proposal, focused on what we have defined as didactic experimentation in archaeology, allows students to approach the past by developing different aspects, in connection with relevant aspects of the current world.

Conclusions: The experience developed by the Noguera Learning Field shows the educational value of History (in this case Prehistory), as a tool for the development of critical thinking and social behaviors based on cooperation and citizen commitment.


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How to Cite

Bardavio Novi, A., & Mañé Orozco, S. (2024). The Noguera Learning Field, educate from Archeology and Prehistory in formal education. Revista UNES. Universidad, Escuela Y Sociedad, (18), 137–148.



Teaching Innovation