The contribution of anthropology to the integral student formation: decompartmentalizing substantive university activity at the Technological Institute of Costa Rica
BT, Higher education, RT, Social Skills, SNAbstract
Introduction: The Social Action and VolunTEC courses at the Technological Institute of Costa Rica have managed to decompartmentalize substantive university activity in favor of comprehensive student training. Social Anthropology has played a transcendental role in promoting teaching-learning processes, training in values and life skills, meaningful community relationships and compliance with SDGs 2030. Likewise, it has implemented an expanded pedagogical space through the methodology of integrality. and the university pedagogical ecosystem.
Method: The courses use the flipped classroom methodology and learning based on social projects. Freely, students can continue in VolunTEC, through the development of situated experiences and knowledge, through SSLM, ethnographic approaches under the focus of university social commitment and action research.
Results: 98 Social Action courses in 18 years, with more than 2,400 students. From 2010 to 2023, 1,147 students, more than 50 communities, have participated in processes of co-management of projects, knowledge and solutions to improve the quality of life. Development of 30,000 hours of volunteer work. 98.3% of the students at VolunTEC finish their studies and graduate from TEC. 13 investigations have been carried out.
Conclusions: The decompartmentalization of substantive university activity is possible and is successful in motivating and promoting comprehensive training and co-constructive, dialogic-inclusive relationships between teachers, students and communities, expanding university scope and real impact on the execution of the SDGs 2030. providing social relevance to the university’s own work.
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