"Teaching to better educate": Manjón's work and pedagogy through the project of his House Museum


  • Salvador Mateo Arias Romero Universidad de Granada
  • David García Trigueros a:1:{s:5:"es_ES";s:23:"Escuelas del Ave María";} https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1912-1959




Schools of Ave María, Andrés Manjón, Historic house museum, Cultural heritage


Introduction: In its more than one hundred and thirty years of history, the Ave Maria Schools have been treasuring an important patrimonial collection that testifies to its days. Movable property through which to be able to see how society and education have evolved since the beginning of these school colonies. The Andrés Manjón House Museum, of the Fundación Patronato Avemariano de Granada, constitutes a patrimonial retrospective of the legacy of the Burgos pedagogue: testimonies that constitute a true testimony of civilization.

Method: Using the previous experience obtained in the musealization of university collections, a private initiative has been taking shape around which to value the material testimonies of Andrés Manjón and the Ave María Schools, as representative elements of the History of Education in Granada.

Results: The heuristic and hermeneutical study has allowed us to value a vast collection of artistic, documentary and ethnographic pieces capable of relating part of the biography of Andrés Manjón as well as the importance of his educational legacy through the Ave María Schools.

Conclusions: the value and importance of museum experiences like this one, which show the need to value the cultural heritage as well as the scientific and educational heritage of schools.


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How to Cite

Arias Romero, S. M., & García Trigueros, D. (2023). "Teaching to better educate": Manjón’s work and pedagogy through the project of his House Museum. Revista UNES. Universidad, Escuela Y Sociedad, (16), 118–127. https://doi.org/10.30827/unes.i16.28657



Teaching Innovation