The perspective of a teacher: reflections on the transformation of Obligatory Secondary Education




Educational reform, Secondary school teachers


In the present work the reflections of a teacher of Compulsory Secondary Education are presented after having developed his work in the same educational center for 25 years. The reflections are raised around three main axes: legislation, teachers and families. Years of experience allow us to carry out this type of reflection with a perspective capable of considering the evolution that these fundamental aspects have had in the educational field over the years. What is intended is to provide a point of view with the intention of serving other teachers in two ways: the first, to provide the vision of a specific center; The second is to encourage all teachers to carry out reflection exercises on their performance in the classroom, both with students and with their families, always keeping in mind the needs they present and which, like everything else, change over time.


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How to Cite

Lenguasco Ruiz, D., & Ávalos Ruiz, I. (2023). The perspective of a teacher: reflections on the transformation of Obligatory Secondary Education. Revista UNES. Universidad, Escuela Y Sociedad, (16), 157–170.



Teaching Innovation