Augmented reality as didactic resource for teaching and learning the cultural heritage. The building of the mosaic of Amores from the Archaeological Site of Cástulo (Linares, Jaén)




ICT, Augmented Reality, archaeological heritage


The virtualization of the archaeological sites has been an effective way to understand and to publish historical places that have survived until this day in different states of conservation. This article shows how augmented reality can contribute to the contextualization and the understanding of a singular building such as one which contains the mosaic of “Amores” from the archaeological site of Cástulo (Linares, Jaén). For this, a descriptive and analytical case of study of this unique building has been carried out, in which the didactic potential of this technology is pointed out to improve the understanding of the historical interpretation of a partially disappeared space.


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How to Cite

Martinez Carrillo, A. L. (2021). Augmented reality as didactic resource for teaching and learning the cultural heritage. The building of the mosaic of Amores from the Archaeological Site of Cástulo (Linares, Jaén). Revista UNES. Universidad, Escuela Y Sociedad, (10), 32–43.


