Geographic al study population in primary education


  • Santos Ramírez Martínez
  • Xosé M. Souto González


Population, Geography Teaching, Curriculum Project, Everyday Knowledge


When a child or teenager wants to know the situation of the population in their neighborhood, their country or the world, they want to know how people live in those places. But often offered by the school system is a set of concepts (density, birth, death, migration) and a large amount of data (rates, indices, absolute numbers) in more than one occasion you do forget what your interest in learning about human facts. The aim of this paper is to show how you can work population and geographical space in Primary Education (6 to 12 years old) and see an alternative in Gea-Clio’s project.


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Author Biographies

Santos Ramírez Martínez

Profesor jubilado de Enseñanza Secundaria. Ha trabajado en todos los niveles educativos y ha coordinado el Proyecto Gea-Clío. Tiene gran experiencia en formación del profesorado y creación de materiales curriculares.

Xosé M. Souto González

Profesor titular de didáctica de las ciencias sociales en la Universitat de València y coordinador del proyecto Gea-Clío. Ha trabajado en enseñanza secundaria, en centros de profesores y ha dirigido programas de reforma del sistema escolar.



How to Cite

Ramírez Martínez, S., & Souto González, X. M. (2016). Geographic al study population in primary education. Revista UNES. Universidad, Escuela Y Sociedad, 98. Retrieved from


