America in the Cartography of the 16th Century (1500-1556) (I)


  • Miguel Ángel Castillo Oreja Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Departamento de Historia del Arte. Facultad de Geografía e Historia.


American Cartography, Charles V, Colonial Expansion, Classified Geographical Information, Spanish Empire, 16th Century


Scientific advances of the last years of the fifteenth century had very positive consequences for the progress of geographical discoveries sponsored by European monarchies. In a few years European attention was changed from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic and, due to the Spanish geopolitical interests, from the Occeanus Occidentalis to the Pacific. At this same time, cartography, which evolved from being an “academic” work to a “state” profession, is understood at the same time as an instrument of power and an example of the changes in the perception of the universe.


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Author Biography

Miguel Ángel Castillo Oreja, Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Departamento de Historia del Arte. Facultad de Geografía e Historia.

Catedrático de Historia del Arte de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Autor de varios libros y numerosos artículos en relación con el Arte Español e Hispanoamericano y con el Patrimonio Cultural, ha comisariado varias exposiciones y ha sido asesor de las fundaciones Argentaria y BBVA, vicepresidente del Comité Español de Historia del Arte, miembro titular del Bureau del Comité Internacional de Historia.



How to Cite

Castillo Oreja, Miguel Ángel. 2018. “America in the Cartography of the 16th Century (1500-1556) (I)”. Quiroga. Revista De Patrimonio Iberoamericano, no. 13 (June):16-28.


