Quiroga. Revista de patrimonio iberoamericano 2023-10-30T08:20:21+00:00 Quiroga. Revista de patrimonio iberoamericano Open Journal Systems <p>Quiroga arises as an interdisciplinary journal oriented to the critical analysis and research on the cultural processes related to the cultural proccesses linked to the historical and artistic heritage produced in the Americas.</p> <p><strong>Quiroga. Revista de patrimonio iberoamericano</strong><br>Departamento de Historia del Arte<br>Universidad de Granada<br>Facultad de Filosofía y Letras<br>Campus de Cartuja s/n<br>18071 Granada<br>Correo-e:&nbsp;<a href="mailto:%72%65%76%69%73%74%61%71%75%69%72%6f%67%61@%75%67%72.%65%73"></a></p> <p>ISSN 2254-7037</p> Book Reviews Quiroga nº 22 2023-10-28T18:56:26+00:00 Autores Varios <p>Mosquera, Gerardo (Ed.). <em>Beyond the Fantastic. Crítica de arte contemporáneo desde América Latina</em></p> <p>Ampliato Briones, Antonio Luis; López Guzmán, Rafael; Rodríguez Estévez, Juan Clemente (Coords.). <em>Diego de Riaño, Diego Siloé y la arquitectura en la transición al Renacimiento</em></p> <p>Rivas Carmona, Jesús y García Zapata, Ignacio José (Coords. y Eds.). <em>Estudios de Platería</em>. San Eloy 2022.</p> <p>Cruz Lara Silva, Adriana. <em>Historia y leyenda de una serie pictórica sevillana en Guadalajara</em></p> <p>Hoyos Alonso, Julián y Zaparaín Yáñez, María José (Eds.). <em>Mujeres, arte y patrimonio. Hilos de oro en el lienzo del tiempo Blanca</em></p> <p>Díez Jorge, María Elena (Ed.). <em>Sentir la casa. Emociones y cultura material en los siglos xv y xvi</em></p> <p>Mínguez, Víctor; González Tornel, Pablo; Rodríguez Moya, Inmaculada; Chiva, Juan y Gozalbo, Antonio. <em>Triunfos barrocos: Volumen Séptimo. La fiesta barroca. Los reinos de la Corona de Aragón</em></p> 2023-10-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 José Miguel Morales Folguera, among laurels from the Americas 2023-10-28T18:51:28+00:00 José Ignacio Mayorga Chamorro <p>Interview with José Miguel Morales Folguera.</p> 2023-10-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Ferrán Alberich, making films avaliable to the people again 2023-10-28T18:53:57+00:00 Daniel Sánchez Salas <p>Interview with Ferrán Alberich.</p> 2023-10-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Facilitators for the Interpretation of a Heritage Cemetery. The Case of The Santa Ifigenia Cemetery in Santiago de Cuba 2023-05-08T08:47:10+00:00 Omar López Rodríguez Aida Morales Tejeda Odalis Quintana Catón <p>The management of the conservation and enhancement of the Santa Ifigenia heritage cemetery in Santiago de Cuba, a National Monument, has made it possible for it to form part of the cultural-tourist offer of the city. The interpretation of its cultural heritage has different alternatives. The article proposes two facilitating instruments: the guide book and the mobile application, capable of meeting the expectations of different generations, especially in the post-Covid 19 pandemic stage.</p> 2023-10-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Quiroga. Revista de patrimonio iberoamericano Of Cities and Men: Early American Urban Planning in the 16th Century 2023-03-13T10:05:08+00:00 Maria Pilar Moya Olmedo Maria Nuñez Gonzalez <p>The urban planning of the first cities in America was resolved with new ideas following an orderly and regular plan. With the layout of the city of Mexico and the journeys and experiences of the creators who made it possible, Hernán Cortés and Alonso García Bravo, it can be seen how old and new ideas from the Iberian Peninsula intertwined with the new and primitive that the new territories turned out to be and how the principles of the new urban solutions were established.</p> 2023-10-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Quiroga. Revista de patrimonio iberoamericano Painted Documents of the Reign of Charles II in the Historical Archive of the Nobility 2023-10-30T08:19:34+00:00 Álvaro Pascual Chenel <p>This article studies the unpublished painted decorations of a set of concessions of nobility titles granted from the last twenty years of the reign of Charles II that are preserved in the Archivo Histórico de la Nobleza, and their relationship with other examples from various archives, institutions and collections. This makes it possible to offer a panoramic overview and to establish stylistic and typological analogies, differentiate models and identify workshops and even artists.</p> 2023-10-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Quiroga. Revista de patrimonio iberoamericano Silverware in the First Public Exhibitions of the Spanish Industry 2022-05-26T17:19:47+00:00 Manuel Pérez Sánchez <p>The manifestations linked to silverware and jewelery had a discreet representation in the the public exhibitions of the Spanish industry. Their presence, in many cases, was limited to goldsmiths from Madrid and Barcelona, although on occasion masters of filigree from Salamanca also participated. The role played by these goldsmiths and workshops in the field of these contests is analyzed, as well as the opinions generated by their work and the prizes with which they were distinguished.</p> 2023-10-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Quiroga. Revista de patrimonio iberoamericano The Work of Leonardo de Figueroa in the Church of Santa Lucia 2023-10-30T08:19:37+00:00 Víctor Daniel Regalado González-Serna <p>The present paper provides an original unknown work by the architect Leonardo de Figueroa initiated in the last days of his life. It consisted of the enlargement of a chapel belonging to the Brotherhood of The Arrest of Jesus in the Sevillian church of Santa Lucia. The work began in the second half of the 1720s and continued until the 1730s. The absence of documents on this commission went unnoticed by historians.</p> 2023-10-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Quiroga. Revista de patrimonio iberoamericano Becquer and Heartbreak. Again about <em>Julia’s Album</em> 2023-10-30T08:20:18+00:00 Teresa Sauret Guerrero <p>Approach to Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer from his role as cartoonist, analyzing the concept of “heartbreak” from iconographies collected in the albums dedicated to Julia Espín. The developed hypothesis values its inclusion in the keys of the modernity of the time from the literary and artistic facets. An itinerary is established towards the demystification of Bécquer as a paradigm of love poet through the reading of said iconographies associated with some of his literary texts.</p> 2023-10-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Quiroga. Revista de patrimonio iberoamericano Heraldic Study of the Three Caroline Universities: Granada, Mexico and Lima 2023-04-14T09:58:53+00:00 Miriam Tejero López <p>Carlos V will play an important role in the educational panorama of the 16th century. He will be a key piece for the emergence of new institutions, he will intervene in others with an already consolidated trajectory and he will found three universities of which he will be patron: Granada, in 1526, and Mexico and Lima, both in 1551. In order to determine How the founding memory of the Carolina universities survives today, the study of the different shields used by them during their history has been undertaken.</p> 2023-10-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Quiroga. Revista de patrimonio iberoamericano Ornament in Havana’s Wood Architecture, 1900-1930 2023-10-30T08:20:21+00:00 Maria Victoria Zardoya Loureda Angel Manuel Álvarez Gómez <p>At the beginning of the twentieth century, in Havana, the technical requirements of timber as a construction material together with the desire to be fashionable gave rise to an architecture in wood that assimilated in its decoration the ornamental masonry detailing typical of contemporary Neoclassical and Eclectic architecture. Cuban traditional construction methods and techniques were combined with influences from abroad, especially from the US, to create a local product.</p> 2023-10-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Quiroga. Revista de patrimonio iberoamericano Presentación Dossier. El cuerpo en el cine mudo español e iberoamericano 2023-10-28T06:51:09+00:00 M. Magdalena Brotons Capó <p>Hasta bien entrado el siglo xx el cine no era considerado una manifestación artística digna de ser estudiada, analizada y ni tan siquiera conservada. Debido a ello ha desaparecido una gran parte del patrimonio cinematográfico, sobre todo de la etapa muda.</p> <p>A partir del nacimiento de las filmotecas y archivos a mediados del siglo pasado, se ha ido restaurando y conservando un material precioso, que nos sirve para ir elaborando la historia del cine anterior al sonoro, actualmente conservado no solo en nuestro país sino en archivos de todo el mundo.</p> <p>La bibliografía, los análisis de conjunto y los monográficos que se han elaborado a lo largo de las últimas décadas, nos permiten trazar un panorama de conjunto sobre los orígenes del cine hasta la década de los años treinta del siglo pasado, muchos son los aspectos que quedan por cubrir y descubrir de nuestro cine silente.</p> <p>La ausencia de sonido y un uso de la cámara, generalmente estático, requería una gestualidad marcada por parte de los actores, a veces expresiva y teatral. De la interpretación y de los cuerpos de los actores y actrices de esta época tratan tres de los trabajos que aquí presentamos. Aunque el cine de animación fue minoritario en estos años, también tiene lugar en este monográfico, con una propuesta que analiza las conexiones entre el cuerpo y la máquina.</p> <p>Como una manifestación cultural más de una época, con conexiones con otras representaciones populares, el cine remite a espectáculos de fama como los bailes españoles o el cuplé, con una precaria sonorización experimental. Las corridas de toros o manifestaciones religiosas como las procesiones, fueron también protagonistas de muchas vistas filmadas de estos primeros años.</p> 2023-10-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Silenced Bodies, Imagined Voices. ‘Cuplé’ in Spanish Cinema (1894-1930) 2023-10-30T08:19:43+00:00 Julio Arce Bueno <p>After its establishment, cinema had to compete with other popular forms of entertainment in Spain, such as musical theater and variety shows, in which the cuplé stood out. This article explores the presence and significance of cupletistas in silent films, examining the relationship between cinematic performance and music, the use of the artists’ sexualized bodies, and the performative dimension of cuplés to cinematic narrative.</p> 2023-10-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Quiroga. Revista de patrimonio iberoamericano Female Puzzle Bodies in the Drift of Serial Fantasy Silent Films 2023-10-30T08:20:08+00:00 Sara Calvete-Lorenzo <p>The main object of study in this research is the cut of the female body in the Spanish fantastic silent cinema, by designing its own methodology of analysis, which will be called the Triple Cut. The evolution of the different cuts that cross the bodies will be analysed in the drift of the first very scarce Spanish fantastic serial, such as the works of Alberto Marro with <em>La secta de los misteriosos</em> (1916) and Hispano Films or Magín Murià with <em>El beso de la muerte</em> (1917) and the Barcinógrafo.</p> 2023-10-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Quiroga. Revista de patrimonio iberoamericano Bodies of the National Cinema Stars in the Spain of the Twenties 2023-10-30T08:19:40+00:00 Elena Cordero Hoyo <p>This article will explore the different models of women on Spanish cinema screens played by national actresses during the twenties. Those archetypes participated in a transnational and transmedial dialogue in the specialized press and in which political and cultural powers took part. They were interested in regulating women’s bodies and actions guided by national identitarian frames that could serve as an example for the female spectators of the time.</p> 2023-10-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Quiroga. Revista de patrimonio iberoamericano The Anthropological Machine: The Automaton in the Early Spanish Cinema 2023-10-30T08:19:51+00:00 David Ferragut Jordi Vallverdú <p>In this article, we propose a variation of the concept of “anthropological machine” by Giorgio Agamben in which tensions do not occur between humans and animals, but between humans and automatons. To illustrate this, we analyse the representation of automatons in early Spanish cinema: <em>El teatro eléctrico de Bob</em> (Chomón, 1909), <em>Muñecos</em> (Perojo, 1916) and <em>Sanz y el secreto de su arte</em> (Thous and Sanz, 1918). We extend our comment to international productions and subsequent representations.</p> 2023-10-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Quiroga. Revista de patrimonio iberoamericano The Representation of the Body of the Gaucho and the Bullfighter in the Films Gaucho Nobility (1915) and Blood and Sand (1916) 2023-10-30T08:19:48+00:00 Daniel Sánchez Salas <p>This article focuses on the analysis of the representation of the bodies of the <em>gaucho</em> and the bullfighter in the Argentinian film <em>Nobleza&nbsp;gaucha</em>&nbsp;(1915) and the Spanish&nbsp;<em>Sangre y arena</em>&nbsp;(1916). Both films share the fact that they are products of a cinematographic era of transition between the early cinema and the classic cinema. We will observe how this circumstance is reflected in the different methods with which each of the two films represent the bodies of their protagonists.</p> 2023-10-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Quiroga. Revista de patrimonio iberoamericano Metamorphosis from Silent Dynamic Rhythm to the Passivity of the Body in Fiction 2023-10-30T08:20:03+00:00 Rocío del Pilar Sosa Fernández Enrique Castelló Mayo Roi Méndez Fernández <p style="font-weight: 400;">In its beginnings, silent cinema emphasised the expressive and communicative potential of the body by exacerbating gestures and actions. However, current fictional cinema is confronted with an opposite tendency: the passivity of body movement. This study analyses the representation of the body in three films of current silent cinema from a triple perspective: movement, immersion and technology. The results confirm the predominance of the mind over the body.</p> 2023-10-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Quiroga. Revista de patrimonio iberoamericano Cinema of Attractions and Spanish Dances 2023-10-30T08:19:55+00:00 Begoña Soto Vázquez <p>Movement was introduced as a key element of attraction in the animated images of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, hence the success, the attraction, of early animated images with different dances. The movement of dances of Spanish origin could not be absent from the early filmed repertoire. An account of the views with Spanish dances is carried out, establishing their relationship with the concept of cinema of attractions, basic to understand the history of early cinema.</p> 2023-10-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Quiroga. Revista de patrimonio iberoamericano Bullfights, Dances and Processions. The Body in the First Years of Cinema in Spain 2023-10-30T08:19:59+00:00 Luisa Suárez Carmona <p>At the beginning of the history of cinema, bullfights, flamenco dances and processions attracted many operators to Spain eager to reflect in their films the most typical images of the country. Having viewed the few preserved works from that period (between 1896 and 1910), we will attempt to analyze in this article the scenic dimension of these films, particularly the way in which the body is represented in each of these shows.</p> 2023-10-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Quiroga. Revista de patrimonio iberoamericano