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  • Marina De La Cruz Estudillo a:1:{s:5:"es_ES";s:55:"Centro Universitario SAFA Úbeda (Universidad de Jaén)";}
  • Paz Peña García UNED
Vol. 7 (2023), Articles, pages 101-113
Submitted: Jul 18, 2023 Accepted: Dec 21, 2023 Published: Dec 27, 2023
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The aim of this bibliographical review is to identify what intercultural competence is based on in the formal  educational field, since we cannot educate in interculturality without having some basic and essential notions that are established through intercultural competence. This bibliographical review opens the doors to critical thinking  and reflection on the cultural diversity present in our  society and which needs to be addressed in the classroom.  A transversal theme like many others that increasingly  needs to make its way into teaching, to show that coexistence is nothing more than being aware of the  different points of view of others and seeing difference as  something enriching, which allows us to see beyond our  horizon. Therefore, throughout this review it will be made special emphasis on what we understand by interculturality and multiculturality at the national level, and a synthesis will also be made of the ideal educational models for educating in interculturality. Based on these premises, this review will focus on both initial and permanent teacher  training in interculturality; an essential point in the acquisition of intercultural competence.


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How to Cite

De La Cruz Estudillo, M., & Peña García, P. (2023). DEVELOPMENT OF INTERCULTURAL COMPETENCE: A BIBLIOGRAPHIC REVIEW. MODULEMA. Scientific Journal on Cultural Diversity, 7, 101–113.