Глушь, глубинка и ссылка: к пониманию пространства в русской культуре


  • Stefano Aloe Università di Verona

Ключевые слова:

русская литература, лингвокультура, русское пространство, ссылка, глушь


The aim of the present paper is to analyze the use of some words that denote space in Russian culture (such as “glush”, “glubinka”, “provintsiya”, “ssylka”, etc.); the role these words play in the world perception; and the evolution of their usage starting from the XIX century. Unlike the traditional linguocultural approach, this article is based on the principles of literary texts hermeneutics: using examples from a corpus of literary texts of the main Russian authors, such as F. Dostoevsky, I. Turgenev, A. Chekhov, I. Goncharov, I analyze all the possible shades of meaning implied in these words by the author both as an individual being and a member of Russian society, and define the connotations of such concepts as Province vs Cultural capitals, City vs Village, Exile for a XIX century literary hero and for the Russian nation of that period in general.


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Как цитировать

Aloe, S. (2014). Глушь, глубинка и ссылка: к пониманию пространства в русской культуре. Mundo Eslavo, (13), 99–112. извлечено от https://revistaseug.ugr.es/index.php/meslav/article/view/17543


