El concepto del arte real en el manifiesto OBERIU


  • Olga Tikhonova Universitat Pompeu Fabra




This article places the literary movement OBERIU (in Russian, ОБЭРИУ, name presented by an acronym which means the Union of Real Art, in Russian, Объединение Реального Искусства) formed in Leningrad, the USSR, in 1927 and analyses its unique manifesto published by this group in January 1928, whose translation into Spanish is offered below. Apart from the information about the artistic sections that form this current, this proclamation mentions the authors who formed part of it and their creative paths. Moreover, as can be observed throughout the text, the writers justify the importance of the word “real”, which appears in the name of this union and represents an essential part of the members’ philosophy. In addition, considering the historical-political context and the beginning of the repressions in the USSR literary field, the group tries to connect their activity defending the proletariat. Although OBERIU officially existed only for a very brief period of time (1927–1930), its ideas continued the task of the previous avant-gardes and enriched this field with new experiments.


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How to Cite

Tikhonova, O. (2024). El concepto del arte real en el manifiesto OBERIU. Mundo Eslavo, (23), 161–177. https://doi.org/10.30827/meslav.23.28760