Рецепция «усадебного текста» русской классики в «Повести о жизни» К.Г. Паустовского


  • Valeria Andreeva IWL RAS




The article deals with the reception of some images and motifs of Russian classics, connected with the existence of the country estate, in the “Tale of Life” by K.G. Paustovsky, the position of the author-narrator in relation to Russian literature of the 19th century is noted, the attention of the autobiographical hero Paustovsky to the work of famous Russian writers, first of all, L.N. Tolstoy and F.M. Dostoevsky. The features of the temporal organization of the “Tale of Life” are indicated, the convergence of the specifics and method of narration in Paustovsky’s book and Tolstoy’s first autobiographical trilogy is analyzed. The work reveals similarities in the description of the estate life and the idea of ​​it among the Russian classics and Paustovsky, comprehends selected allusions, reminiscences, gives examples of the effect of spontaneous literary resonance. The great importance of the category of memory in the description of estate life is stated. Based on the analysis of a number of episodes of “The Tale of Life”, the article proves that Paustovsky subtly and insightfully shows the connection of the estate culture with the Orthodox faith, with the religious consciousness of the passing time, illustrates the simultaneous impoverishment of both.


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How to Cite

Andreeva, V. (2023). Рецепция «усадебного текста» русской классики в «Повести о жизни» К.Г. Паустовского. Mundo Eslavo, (22), 48–63. https://doi.org/10.30827/meslav.22.25432



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