Prefixed verbs in Ukrainian as target language resource: macrostylistic aspects


  • Sergiy Fokin Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


macrostylistics, derivation, prefix, connotation, equivalence, translation


Prefixed words in Ukrainian and other Slavic languages (primarily, verbs) represent a valuable stylistic deviceand frequently convey a connotative value. When used in translation, no correspondence with particular signs(morphemes, words) of the original can be established. That is, the usage of prefixes depends mainly on thetranslator´s preference and the connotation present in the macro-context, rather than a word of the original. Whereasa denotative meaning tends to be brought out at micro-level, the connotative meaning is to be established at macrolevel(of the whole text or a set of texts). As the connotation can be manifested at different levels in a text, beingthe prefixes one of them, the preference of a certain prefix can characterize the translator´s idiostyle. Particularly,having analyzed the usage of the prefix “при-” in the Ukrainian translation of Don Quixote carried out by M. Lukashand A. Perepadya, we did notice an exaggerated usage of the analyzed prefix in 6 different excerpts of translation(each one of 10.000 tokens) contrasted to a reference corpus of original Ukrainian fiction texts. A statistically provenexaggerated usage of the prefix appears to demonstrate a feature of translator’s idiostyle.


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How to Cite

Fokin, S. (2014). Prefixed verbs in Ukrainian as target language resource: macrostylistic aspects. Mundo Eslavo, (13), 193–204. Retrieved from


