Асиндетонските реченици низ функционалните стилови на македонскиот стандарден јазик


  • Violeta Janusheva University «St. Kliment Ohridski»

Palabras clave:

syntactic synonymy, compound asyndeton sentences


In the Macedonian standard language, there are compound sentences that do not have a conjunction or conjunction means between the part-sentences, i.e. there is no information about the relation between the part-sentences (coordination or subordination), as well as information for the type of the compound sentence. The syntactic synonymy contributes the determination of the relation between the part-sentences in the compound asyndeton sentence (the part-sentences can be placed in relation of coordination or subordination), yet the type of the compound asyndeton sentence cannot be determined, because the presence of certain conjunction and conjunction means indicates various types of compound asyndeton sentence. Thus, the research’s aim, through analysis of certain asyndeton compound sentences, is to show that the syntactic synonymy has limitations on the semantic of these sentences, i.e. not all sentences that are a result of the syntactic synonymy are equally semantically acceptable, regarding the standard language norm.   
The research has qualitative paradigm (content analysis) and descriptive design. The sample consists of three sentences that belong to three various functional styles in the Macedonian language. The sentence are analyzed regarding their possibility to be connected with conjunctions or conjunction means and to form possible syntactic and semantically correct sentences. Synthesis and comparison are methods for processing the data and making inferences.  
The results from the research confirm that the syntactic synonymy has limitations regarding the semantic of the sentences, and these limitations differ depending on the functional style that the compound asyndeton sentence belongs to. Therefore, the need to introduce the asyndeton compound sentences as sub group compound sentences in the already existed types of compound sentences arises. For ex., independent compound copulative asyndeton sentences, independent compound adversative asyndeton sentences etc.


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Cómo citar

Janusheva, V. (2017). Асиндетонските реченици низ функционалните стилови на македонскиот стандарден јазик. Mundo Eslavo, (16), 395–407. Recuperado a partir de https://revistaseug.ugr.es/index.php/meslav/article/view/17616


