Political and Poetic Echoes of Juan Ramón Jiménez’s Journey to South America in the Argentine, Uruguayan, and Spanish Press (1948)





Juan Ramón Jiménez, Press, Argentina, Uruguay, 1948, Poetics, Politics


The press coverage of Juan Ramón Jiménez’s trip to Argentina and Uruguay in 1948 was enormous and acquired connotations that went far beyond the purely literary, to become a reflection of a political situation in which the beginning of the Marshall Plan intersected with the so-called Cold War; the anti-fascist and anti-communist movements; and the alliance of Peronism with Francoism, in a welcoming land for Spanish Republican exiles. Far from shying away from his political commitment, the poet made important public statements that provoked very different reactions in Spain and South America.


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How to Cite

Soledad González Ródenas. (2025). Political and Poetic Echoes of Juan Ramón Jiménez’s Journey to South America in the Argentine, Uruguayan, and Spanish Press (1948). Revista Letral, (35), 5–31. https://doi.org/10.30827/rl.v0i35.31291