Between the Diary and the Cookbook: The Defense of Intimate Writing in Laura Esquivel’s Culinary Trilogy


  • Sarah Maria Piazza Morehouse College



Personal diary, individualism, privacy, Juana Manuela Gorriti, Laura Esquivel, modernity, cookbook.  


What occurs when a novel is disguised as both a personal diary and a cookbook, two apparently dissimilar genres? The present article attempts to answer that question through an analysis of the culinary trilogy by Mexican author Laura Esquivel: Como agua para chocolate (1989), El diario de Tita (2016), and Mi negro pasado (2017). Several definitions of the personal diary and of privacy as a historical phenomenon shed light upon the functions of diary-writing that El diario de Tita imitates.  I contrast the diary’s intimate space with the kitchen’s private space in the first two novels.  Although both spaces can be transgressive in their own manner, the diary gives its writer the freedom to reflect and to define him/herself. To delve into the contrast between diary-writing and recipe-writing, I turn to one of the Latin American prototypes of the cookbook mixed with narrative:  Cocina ecléctica (1890) by the Argentinian writer Juana Manuela Gorriti. Lastly, I analyze the absence of intimate writing in Mi negro pasado to support the argument that the trilogy defends the right to privacy and reclaims a space for intimate writing within the private space of the family and the public space of society.


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Author Biography

Sarah Maria Piazza, Morehouse College

Soy profesora de español y de letras hispánicas en Morehouse College en Atlanta, Georgia, Estados Unidos.


Bibliografía citada

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How to Cite

Piazza, S. M. (2020). Between the Diary and the Cookbook: The Defense of Intimate Writing in Laura Esquivel’s Culinary Trilogy. Revista Letral, (23), 257–285.