Transgressing the Canon in XXI Century?


  • Hugo Achugar CURE, Universidad de La República



Legitimation, canon, transgression, Internet, market


This essay poses a proposal about the organization of a system of legitimation or canonization of literary production as an instrument of analysis. The basic idea is the configuration of the so called “Literary Apparatus of Canonization” (LAC) during modernity and the historic emergence of market. Also, the existence of a unique canon is challenged, and the idea of multiple and simultaneous canons is proposed. On the hand, the previous argumentations allow to think on the current transformation of the “Literary Apparatus of Canonization” in relation to the impact Internet on literary critic thinking and the possible displacement of traditional intellectual’s centrality and/or the educational apparatus. Finally, this new scenario is discussed on relation with the chances of what will mean in XIX Century the idea of “transgressing the canon”.


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How to Cite

Achugar, H. (2019). Transgressing the Canon in XXI Century?. Revista Letral, (21), 183–203.