Humanism and Biopolitics. Monsters in Human Park. Concerning Peter Sloterdijk


  • Mabel Moraña Washington University in St. Louis



posthumanism, postmodernity, crisis, Sloterdijk, anthropotech-niques, biopolitics.


This article proposes, in the first place, a reflection on the terms from which humanism is recovered by Sloterdijk, as one of the key elements for the diagnosis of Postmodernity. Secondly, it focuses on Sloterdijk’s biopolitical ideas about the social immunity and anthropogenesis, which is a topic related to the idea of posthumanism. With these objectives, the propositions of Sloterdijk are connected with the series of some points related to the role of humanism in the articulation of post-colonial societies with the new global (dis)order. This topic is crucial for the redefinition of intellectual projects in the 21st century.



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How to Cite

Moraña, M. (2019). Humanism and Biopolitics. Monsters in Human Park. Concerning Peter Sloterdijk. Revista Letral, (21), 24–47.