The echo of the laughter of God. The conception of novel according to Milan Kundera and Mario Vargas Llosa


  • Dora Poláková Universidad Carolina de Praga



Kundera, Vargas Llosa, novel, Quijote, ficcion, humour, history, freedom


This article is focused on the importance that the genre of novel has got for the Peruvian Mario Vargas Llosa and the Czech Milan Kundera. Both writers consider as the basis the Cervantean heritage in the Quijote, in particular the subject od freedom: the freedom of novel reflects the value of freedom of the human being in the Western culture. We also mention other key elements as the humour or the relation with the History.


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How to Cite

Poláková, D. (2018). The echo of the laughter of God. The conception of novel according to Milan Kundera and Mario Vargas Llosa. Revista Letral, (20), 102–112.