Is Post-Dictatorial Fiction Emerging in Cuba?


  • Omar GRANADOS University of Wisconsin-La Crosse



Cuba, literature, trauma, dictatorship


This article proposes a new reading of Cuban contemporary fiction produced by the writers of Generation Zero from the framework of trauma and memory studies in literature. Taking Idelber Avelar’s framework of post-dictatorial fictions in Latin American as point of departure, the essay suggests a relation between some recent Cuban government policies directed at a transition towards a neoliberal, capitalistic economic model, a process which has consequentially lead to the erosion of a memory of human rights violations and totalitarianism by the state. With this goal, the essay describes common themes and narrative devices in the work of Generation Zero writers to show how this fiction allegorizes the historical traumas lived in Cuba after 1959.


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How to Cite

GRANADOS, O. (2017). Is Post-Dictatorial Fiction Emerging in Cuba?. Revista Letral, (18), 23–36.