The Language of Space: Chantal Maillard and the Performative Turn


  • Ana Hidalgo Rodríguez Universidad de Granada



space, otherness, body, performance, ethics, Chantal Maillard


This article examines the impact of the performative turn experienced in the literature and thought of the 20th-century, and highlights its particular relevance in Chantal Maillard’s poetic and philosophical works.The performative turn, now present throughout the entire spectrum of the arts, originated in contemporary theatrical practices, whose critique to logocentrism established the priority of performance over the text. From this language crisis arises Chantal Maillard’s search for a spatial language in writing, as opposed to a more linear style. This spatial language also contains an ethical dimension, as it seeks to overcome the Me/You dichotomy, and encourages an encounter and a dialogue with the Other.


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How to Cite

Hidalgo Rodríguez, A. (2015). The Language of Space: Chantal Maillard and the Performative Turn. Revista Letral, (15), 62–75.


