Droga, legitimación, literatura. Borges y el opio de Thomas de Quincey
Drugs, Legitimation, Modernity, Romanticism, Borges, De QuinceyAbstract
This essay explores an aspect of the uses made of Thomas De Quincey as source of legitimacy for Borges’s “creative project”, in particular for the writing of fiction in his classical stage (1940s). We can call this aspect “the question of textual intoxication”. The paper evaluates the fact that in Borges the image of De Quincey as a writer appears without reference to opium, an element undoubtedly central for De Quincey. Considering De Quincey’s intoxicated text, it offers some notes for a rereading of what Ana María Barrenechea called, at the beginning of the beat age, the “unreality” of Borges’s work. As part of the same task, it previously describes De Quincey’s “narcotization of romanticism”, which can be read in the references of Confessions of an English Opium Eater; being an Extract from de Life of a Scholar (1821) to Biographia Literaria (1817) by S. T. Coleridge. This procedure is fundamental for an understanding of the image of the writer as “Opium-Eater”, and of the meaning which De Quincey assigned to the word “literature” in other texts.Downloads
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