“Un final para la discutible historia”: El eterno retorno de Los adioses


  • Pablo Brescia Univesity of South California




Onetti, Los Adioses, Re-reading, Re-writing, Fiction Theory


This study contends that the reading frame for Los adioses (1954) initiates a game of conjectures and interpretations based on doubt and ambiguity. The result of this game is a re-vision of reading and writing in so far as they are intellectual activities. There is a process of "eternal return" to Los adioses, an unrelenting search for clues that the text does not reveal, and thus we engage in constant re-reading and re-writing. In this cyclical beginning, where everything repeats itself but nothing is the same, there is always an attempt to organize the material in a coherent whole so as to reach the potential meanings of the text. In order to do this, we must be mindful of what elements we place at the forefront and which ones at the background of our reading framework.


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How to Cite

Brescia, P. (2009). “Un final para la discutible historia”: El eterno retorno de Los adioses. Revista Letral, (2), 5–13. https://doi.org/10.30827/rl.v0i2.3559



Transatlantic Studies