La opción descolonial


  • Walter D. Mignolo Duke University



Decolonial, Coloniality, Modernity, Epistemology


This article describes what its author understands to be the decolonial epistemological theory. Firstly, Mignolo accomplishes an initial criticism of the subsumption of History by an European eurocentric historicism, secondly he revives Quijano's concept of the decolonial matrix of power, or coloniality, as a fundamental category for the decolonial theory. Mignolo compares one side of decolonial thinking (undisciplined in the sense of Foucault) to the disciplines that follow the modernity/posmodernity theory with the goal of vindicating the usefulness of the decolonial option in order to reveal the darker side of a critical apparatus which controls knowledge, assigns values and atributions for building the similarities and differences from other options and critical projects such as neomarxism and the Philosophy of LIberation. Finally, he analizes the perpetuity of the struggle for domination over the colonial matrix of power in the current New Global Order, to which the decolonial project new perspectives.


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How to Cite

Mignolo, W. D. (2008). La opción descolonial. Revista Letral, (1), 4–22.



Transatlantic Studies