Canudos or the Redemption of the Damned: La Guerra del Fin del Mundo, by Mario Vargas Llosa



Decoloniality, Violence, Marginality, Vargas Llosa


Vargas Llosa's sixth novel, La guerra del fin del mundo, published in 1981, could not have been more controversial. At the time of its appearance, prominent writers and literary critics attacked it. I consider that the character of the Counselor and the novel in general misplace, in various ways and with broad repercussions, the readings that the colonial gaze has operated on Latin America, becoming one of the antecedents, from the literary discourse, of several of the reflections of the Latin American decolonial thought.


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How to Cite

Crespo Buiturón, M. (2024). Canudos or the Redemption of the Damned: La Guerra del Fin del Mundo, by Mario Vargas Llosa. Revista Letral, (34), 255–271. Retrieved from