The Reader Facing the Mechanism of the Real: Demian Schopf's Condor Machine (4.0) and the New Performative Spheres of Literature in Generative Literature



Demian Schopf, Máquina Cóndor, generative literature, event


The generative poetry work Máquina Cóndor (version 4.0) by Chilean artist Demian Schopf presents a complex combinatorial system where data on the stock market and current economic wars are linked to generate alterations on the Gongorine poem "De la ambición humana". This paper aims to analyze this work through Philippe Bootz’s procedural methodology, in order to highlight how the author manipulates and adapts the particularities of the emerging genre of generative literature to expand the fields of action of literature as an event. Through this, we will observe how the machine reveals the presence of the reader and its potential effect on the contingency of the system that articulates the current reality, in which algorithms have been playing an essential role as profile creators serving disciplinary powers in the era of the digital revolution.


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How to Cite

Romera Catalán, I. (2024). The Reader Facing the Mechanism of the Real: Demian Schopf’s Condor Machine (4.0) and the New Performative Spheres of Literature in Generative Literature. Revista Letral, (34), 232–254. Retrieved from