The Grammar of Life: Gamaliel Churata's Ecopoetic Reflection in El pez de oro



ecopoetics – peruvian poetry - biosemiotics - indigenous avant-garde - Amerindian knowledge


This article attempts to read Gamaliel Churata's book El pez de oro from an ecopoetic perspective. Although it is impossible to define this book in defined genres, the writing is marked by a philosophical imprint, which must be understood (beyond the ontological and epistemic limits of hegemonic modernity) as an Amerindian reflexive and poetic practice, and in dialogue with the cosmic whole. Churata deploys a philosophy (an imagine the possibility of a new science) of the "Mama-pacha: Mother earth" (2012: 206), and makes an extension of the concept of Pachamama to understand her as mother of the cosmos. Churata's ecopoetic reflection tends towards the exaltation of a spiritual enlightenment in which human beings recognise themselves as related to all that exists.


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How to Cite

Favaron, P. (2024). The Grammar of Life: Gamaliel Churata’s Ecopoetic Reflection in El pez de oro. Revista Letral, (34), 368–387. Retrieved from