an Up or The Scenic Deconstruction of Hegemonic Masculinity


  • Marta Olivas Fuentes Universidad Complutense de Madrid



hegemonic masculinity, autofictional theatre, postdramatic theatre, MAn Up


Back in 2019, the company Teatro En Vilo, directed by Andrea Jiménez and Noemí Rodríguez, presented on the stage of the Centro Dramático Nacional the show Man Up. Through seven different characters, the piece engages in an in-depth reflection about the very meaning of “the masculine” and the role it carries with it. This work uses an eminently qualitative methodology applied to the analysis of said staging. Therefore, it reflects upon the way different theatrical strategies such as autofiction, postdrama, or the carnival-like aesthetic are used to pass judgment on the consequences of traditional masculinity in an array of fields: identity, family, affections… and the need to rethink, for the future’ sake, new discourses that move away from the hegemonic tales of gender.


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How to Cite

Olivas Fuentes, M. (2023). an Up or The Scenic Deconstruction of Hegemonic Masculinity. Revista Letral, (30), 35–50.



Special Issue