Centroeuropa (2020) by Vicente Luis Mora: Looking at the Female Universe from the Perspective of the “New Masculinity”





women, travestism, gender, new masculinity


The attention of literary critics has been attracted by Vicente Luis Mora's novel, Centroeuropa (2020), which was the winner of the Malaga Novel Prize 2019, mainly for its reflection on the framework of values in the European context of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. In this article, the situation of women in those years will be analyzed through the role of the female characters and the gender roles included in the novel, including the protagonist, who is presented to us camouflaged under a male identity, and other relevant female characters. Through this article, the singularity of these voices will be approached via the current perspective of the "new masculinity", as well as the possible aspects that could be inferred from their stories around the question of gender and identity.


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How to Cite

González García, J. M. (2023). Centroeuropa (2020) by Vicente Luis Mora: Looking at the Female Universe from the Perspective of the “New Masculinity”. Revista Letral, (30), 5–19. https://doi.org/10.30827/rl.vi30.26676



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