The Will of Dr. Mrs. Frankenstein: Enticement of the Phantastic in the New Spanish Poetry




fantastic poetry, identity and fantasy, contemporary Spanish poetry, Andrea Abello, Lola Nieto, Xaime Martínez, Rosa BErbel


Andrea Abello's poetic debut has radicalized a trend that was already being noted among the new directions of contemporary Spanish poetry. In Duende (2021) the loving feelings are intertwined with the description of a “monster”, which is both masculine and feminine as it embodies one or the other side of its protean nature. The present approach pursues a definition of the fantastic in poetry and how it is a relevant feature when exposing an identity crisis or the desire for a new social and political order. For this, the study of Duende is proposed together with other very recent Spanish book of poems –those of Lola Nieto, Xaime Martínez or Rosa Berbel, among others– where fantasy and science fiction are equally present.



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How to Cite

García Román, J. A. (2023). The Will of Dr. Mrs. Frankenstein: Enticement of the Phantastic in the New Spanish Poetry. Revista Letral, (30), 107–124.



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