In the Heart of the Consignation: A Poetic Reading of Watercolors of the Chorographic Commission for the Republic of the New Granada (1850-1859)




Chorographic Commission , Archive Ferver, Henry Price, Landscaping


This paper explores the diversified discourse of the archive, proposing a reading that seeks to discover its political and poetic dimensions in order to reveal new horizons within the criticism of literary studies. In this regard, the archive concept is approached from Jacques Derrida's work, exploring the possibilities of Derrida's apprehension of the archive. Hence, this paper analyzes the watercolors created during the Chorographic Commission that took place in the Republic of New Granada, between 1850 and 1859. Specifically, the work of the English landscape painter Henry Price (1819-1863), one of the three landscapers who worked in the Commission. The summary of the archive will be the concept used to analyze the watercolors and their diversified discourse.


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How to Cite

Moreno Santacruz, S. (2024). In the Heart of the Consignation: A Poetic Reading of Watercolors of the Chorographic Commission for the Republic of the New Granada (1850-1859). Revista Letral, (33), 69–89.