The The Deterritorialization of Language in El Hachmi’s Mare de llet i mel (2008)


  • Zahra El Morabit Sghire Ghent University



deterritorialization, immigrants’ literature, Moroccan immigrants’ representation, minor literature


This article presents an analysis of El Hachmi’s Mare de llet i mel (2008) as an example of literature written by (children of) Moroccan immigrants in Spain. Specifically, I focus on the deterritorialization of language and the strategies that the author mobilizes to achieve this deterritorialization. The analysis is carried out at two levels. On the one hand, I focus on the form: on the use of language in the work itself. On the other hand, I investigate how the use of certain words and expressions, as well as languages and their learning are treated in the novel. The answers to these questions will be used to relate the writing of El Hachmi to the concept of 'minor literature' as it was defined by Deleuze and Guattari.


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How to Cite

El Morabit Sghire, Z. (2022). The The Deterritorialization of Language in El Hachmi’s Mare de llet i mel (2008). Revista Letral, (29), 48–67.


