El miniboom del microrrelato peruano (2015-2020)


  • Erick Rony Vásquez Guevara Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos




Peruvian short story, short story magazines, short story books, short story competitions.


This research work constitutes a record of the evolution of the Peruvian short story during the period that includes the years 2015 to 2020, in order to establish that in these years there has been a boom in this textual modality in Peruvian literature. To achieve this objective, three levels of analysis have been considered: short story magazines, short story books, and literary competitions of this genre. In each of these shots, the closest antecedents of the Peruvian micro-story have been used to understand the moment that corresponds to the period examined. In this way, it is possible to appreciate the existence of a greater editorial and scriptural production of the short story in Peruvian literature, which finds its support in the dissemination that it has had during the years 2015 to 2020.


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How to Cite

Vásquez Guevara, E. R. (2021). El miniboom del microrrelato peruano (2015-2020). Revista Letral, (27), 104–124. https://doi.org/10.30827/rl.v0i27.20943


