The Creak of Language: About the Notion of Jouissance in Osvaldo Lamborghini, Luis Gusmán, and Diamela Eltit
El fiord, El frasquito, Vaca sagrada, jouissanceAbstract
Osvaldo Lamborghini’s El fiord, Luis Gusmán’s El frasquito and Diamela Eltit’s Vaca sagrada are texts articulated at the limits of legibility, novels with plots that blur into an excess of language and bodies. The following interpretation proposes to look at the exuberance and violence of the texts following the psychoanalytic notion of jouissance, which puts language as condition of the subject and desire, being at the same time its most intimate disease. Only language enables a relation with the body, but the literary works which are analyzed here, try to trespass language to return to a place before or beyond it.
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