The Lost Illusions. Subjetivities of the Defeat in the Narratives by Diego Zúñiga and Canek Sánchez Guevara


  • Daniuska González González Universidad de Playa Ancha


narrative, defeat, revolutionary processes, Diego Zúñiga, Canek Sánchez Guevara


The present article seeks a dialogue between the narratives by two authors that embody the defeat –understood in the avelarian sense of a fallen time that does not allow readings through the epic and the exaltation of the subjects– of two revolutionary processes: The Unidad Popular in Chile and the cuban Revolution, this through the construction of the textual entity “subject”. The narratives by Diego Zúñiga (Iquique, Chile, 1987) and the writer and grandson of Che Guevara, Canek Sánchez Guevara (Havana, 1974-Mexico City, 2015) will be read through theoretical authors such as Idelber Avelar, Leonor Arfuch, Jorge Fornet and Odette Casamayor, among others to understand how they reveal a “topography of defeat” through the category of disillusioned and disbelieving subjects that they construct.


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Author Biography

Daniuska González González, Universidad de Playa Ancha

Facultad de Humanidades

Profesora Asociada


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How to Cite

González González, D. (2021). The Lost Illusions. Subjetivities of the Defeat in the Narratives by Diego Zúñiga and Canek Sánchez Guevara. Revista Letral, (25), 193–215. Retrieved from


