Dancing Among the Categories of Bastardy, Perplexity, and Complexity: Migrations and Ancestry in Gabriela Wiener’s Huaco retrato (2021)





migrations, ancestry, feminism, feminist dialogues, situated knowledges


In Huaco retrato Gabriela Wiener depicts a complex proposal about the heterogeneous interpretations regarding different migratory narratives. These stories are intertwined with the pursuit of family memories and ancestry. The decolonial and feminist perspectives permeate this recreation, offering the opportunity to reflect about the categories of bastardy, perplexity, and complexity. The analysis clarifies the multiple consequences about a violent colonization process, perpetrated by different European states in the world, and specifically in Latin America. This feminist literary work is presented as a magical music box. Dancing among these categories Huaco retrato opens dialogues beyond the possible, including those between the infinite ego declinations, the construction of alterities, and the persistence of impostors in our own selves.


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How to Cite

Sanchez Espinosa, M. A., & Sensini, G. (2022). Dancing Among the Categories of Bastardy, Perplexity, and Complexity: Migrations and Ancestry in Gabriela Wiener’s Huaco retrato (2021). Revista Letral, (29), 68–89. https://doi.org/10.30827/rl.vi29.24398


