We the living. Critical re-appropriation of Ayn Rand's reactionary thought





critique, reaction, Ayn Rand, ideology, literature


This work aims to investigate the relationship between reactionary literature, the committed literature with conservatives or political right positions, with the ideology and policies of the right about commodification of space and time from Ayn Rand's first novel, We the living. To do this, we start from the idea of critique as a mediator, as a discipline that puts the work in communication with its time and with the present and allows us to do politics with something that in principle can move away from the ideals of the reader. After this, a critical analysis of the novel and its themes is carried out to finally observe the figures it proposes from a different perspective than the author's intention.



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How to Cite

FLORES LEDESMA, A. (2022). We the living. Critical re-appropriation of Ayn Rand’s reactionary thought. Impossibilia. Revista Internacional De Estudios Literarios, (23), 178–200. https://doi.org/10.30827/impossibilia.vi23.23970