Use of the Edpuzzle platform to promote autonomy and self-regulation of students in an online university
autonomy, self-regulation, online education, educational videoAbstract
In an online university, developing students' autonomy and self-regulation is essential to promote their learning. In this educational environment, asynchronous proposals, such as the use of videos, acquire special relevance, since some of the main reasons for choosing this model refer to its flexibility and ubiquity. In this sense, the so-called enriched videos are another resource for personalizing learning, an audiovisual accessibility tool that will allow students to establish their own work pace. In this research, the use of the video platform Edpuzzle is analyzed with students of the Degree in Teacher in Early Childhood Education and the Master's Degree in Teacher Training for Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Language Teaching at an online university. Through the use of focus groups, we have verified that enriched videos are very suitable for facilitating accessibility and developing student autonomy.
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